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Senior Membership for the 2024/25 season now available

Senior Membership for the 2024/25 season now available

Nick Patterson18 Jul - 08:40
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Become a club member for the new season. Available now.

The Bees have simplified Membership for Senior Members in the 2024/25 season. There are three types available.

Playing Membership which is £120.

Full Membership which is £80.

Patron Membership which is £120.

In order to pull on your boots for a Bees Senior side, you must have paid a full playing membership or found a sponsor willing to pay the £120 for you.

A full membership gives access to a discount of 10% at the bar and full voting rights at the Club's AGM.

A Patron Membership allows the member and a guest free entry to all Senior fixtures, a 10% discount at the Bar, and full voting rights.

The discount is only available by using a Membership card.

Only those who have paid a full or patron membership will be issued a Membership Card.

The club is upgrading its till system in August, so brand new cards will be issued when that system goes live. Any old cards will no longer work.

However, any balance on an old card will be transferred to your new card when you pay your new membership for the season.

We are offering multiple ways of paying for your membership.

You can click on the word "MEMBERSHIP" on this website up there, top left, and this will take you to the RFU's portal, GMS. You can create a new account with the RFU or use your existing sign-on to access the membership section. As soon as you pay your membership, you will receive an email back from the RFU confirming that you have paid.

Your existing membership card will be extended to be "live" for the 2024/25 season after this point, and when the new till system is up and running a new membership card will be available for you to collect.

However, we are aware that many club associates do not wish to use the RFU facility, so we are offering other ways of paying.

you can send your money to the club by Bank transfer to the club's account which is a STARLING BANK account. Please don't try and send it to any other account you may have details for.

The correct account is 74172553 with a sort code of 60-83-71

If you would like to go old school you are more than welcome to send a cheque to the club, as long as you mark the envelope as for the attention of TONY RAE.

Having mentioned Mr Rae, Tony has volunteered to be our Membership Secretary and will be on hand at the club to take payment from anyone wishing to pay by card, by cheque, or even cash. A schedule of which days Mr Rae will be at the club to take your payments will be added to this website in due course.

I can hear one or two voices at the back wondering why we are asking for Memberships to be paid in July when the Rugby Season doesn't start until September. The simple answer is that the Club's Financial Year starts again on August 1st, so if we prompt for payments now, we might begin to see money arriving early in the new Financial Year.

A second question I can hear is what about Junior Memberships?

Well, good people, I think we have established a very robust process for Junior Memberships centred around the start of the Junior season in September, so we do not want to upset that well-oiled apple cart. Our Junior Chairman, Daniel Ibbotson is co-ordinating that effort.

An interesting point on Junior Playing memberships is that you must pay for Juniors via GMS, that is the RFUs mandated payment and registration vehicle. However this is not true for SENIOR members, we will happily take your money by whatever means you can get is to us!

Thank You, in Anticipation

Further reading